Fans in their droves took to the “Marilyn Remembered” Facebook page to share their messages of love and well wishes for our girl Marilyn, on what would have been her 93rd Birthday. Over the next few days, we will be showcasing a small sample of the many Birthday Tributes that Marilyn received and photos from fans from all around the world paying their respects.

Happy birthday to you Marilyn and thank you for all the wonderful people you have unwittingly brought into my life. The impact your life and legacy have had is immeasurable. I owe you so much and can never repay; thank you ❤️
Robert Siney
Happy Birthday Marilyn where ever you are. I hope that you are finally happy and loved just like you always wanted to be. I’m sorry you didn’t find it while you were here with us on earth at one point in time. Happy 93rd, you are deeply missed and never forgotten. ????????❤️
Anabel Love

I’ve loved her ever since I can remember. Someone I never had the pleasure of meeting, but that didn’t matter, Marilyn made you fall in love with her the minute she walked onto the screen. My favorite quote of hers has always been, “Hold a good thought for me.” If she only knew how many of us still hold a good thought for her, all these years later. ❤
Alan Mace

Sometimes, we ponder over the thought of no longer being here on this earth.
It’s sad how some lives are taken away too early, for people have so much to give in this world.
If something’s for sure, is that life is precious.
Before you go out today and live your life, tell the people in your life that you love them, have that last dance with someone at that party, share great moments with your friends, give your family members that big hug, because you never know if it will be the last time or not❤️
June 1st is a day of which many people celebrate the life of a girl who dreamed and achieved big, but unfortunately passed at 36 years old.
You see, she never really left ❤️
Hold a good thought for her ❤️
Mie Maria A. Holland

Happy Birthday to the most lovely sensitive soul. I will always love you Marilyn, with all of my heart ????
Deedre Staz
For some reason we love her. If pressed as to why, we might not be able to answer. Looks. Attitude. Spirit. Soul. Who knows. She captivated us- still does. Though she said she didn’t want to be looked at as a “thing”, hated the giant Seven Year Itch promotion… Longed to be taken seriously, we tend to embrace these images. I must confess, I’m guilty. Her visual grabs you- inexplicably. The sexual but still innocent pinups, the knowing but vulnerable expressions. Often imitated but never the same, real Her. She’s a once in a lifetime. Don’t think she really ever knew it-pity. I hope She’s able to sense, somehow, the love and Respect she always searched for- albeit much too late. Happy Birthday- Norma Jean. XO. ❤️
Mark Reynolds Caruso

I want to give a shout out to gorgeous marilyn and myself on our birthday, she really inspired me to love myself and have the courage to keep moving forward and not to be depressed or down on myself , like her i had a very bad child hood like her mother my mother was unstable and couldnt care for me i didnt know my father i went to several different foster homes growing up . sometimes i do think about my child hood and wonder why did it have to be like that why couldn’t i have had a normal life and loving family but i cant dwell on my past i try to allways keep smiling . i didnt know anything about marilyns life untill just last year reading her books she was a very strong willed loving good hearted person . bad things sometimes happen to good ppl like us, i love you so much marilyn your my inspiration and im so sorry you had to go thru so much in your life but you are still adored and loved by so many still after so many years thank you for helping me thru the bad memories in my life happy heavenly birthday beautiful ❤ ????????????????
Dana Emmons