“Hi small change!”

Dangerous Years” is a 1947 American drama film produced by Sol M. Wurtzel, directed by Arthur Pierson and starring Billy Halop and Ann E. Todd. Released on January 16th 1948 through Twentieth Century FOX, it is credited as being Marilyn Monroe’s second movie.


Schoolteacher Jeff Carter spends his spare time running a social club for teenage boys in Middleton, USA. His efforts there are undermined, however, by the arrival of Danny Jones, a hotshot troublemaker who begins to involve other youths such as Willy, Doris, Leo and Tammy in his pretty criminal activities. When Jeff learns of the gang’s planned raid on a perfume warehouse he intercepts the robbery, but as the kids flee, Danny shoot and kills the kindly schoolmaster.


* Despite Marilyn Monroe having filmed and appeared in “Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!” first, “Dangerous Years” was actually released three months prior and therefore often credited as Monroe’s first feature film.

* Marilyn Monroe was paid $125 for her walk-on role in this film.

* “Dangerous Years” was filmed in August of 1947, just days before Twentieth Century FOX dropped the option of Marilyn’s contract.

* As of October 2019, “Dangerous Years” has an average rating of 5.8/10 on

* In 2014, the “Marilyn Monroe History 2” channel on YouTube uploaded the movie in its entirety and as of October 2019, has amassed over 22,000 views.

* Nana Bryant has a small role as Miss Templeton near the end of the movie. Bryant would also appear in Marilyn’s next film “Ladies Of The Chorus” as Mrs Adele Carroll.


Marilyn only has one outfit throughout the entire film: the waitressing uniform she wears to work.


“Director Arthur Pierson has seized upon a good script, has handled it with delicacy, has side-stepped numerous pitfalls of over-sentimentality, and has aroused and maintained interest throughout. The happy result is a high-grade budgeter.” (HOLLYWOOD REPORTER)

“This yarn is strictly fiction. It might have some resemblance to real life, but the dividing lines of fact and fabrication are too obvious… Film is minor scale stuff that limps along. It contributes little to the sphere of dramatic entertainment.”

Buy your copy of “Dangerous Years” on DVD today:

“Blonde Heat: The Sizzling Screen Career Of Marilyn Monroe”
“Marilyn Monroe: Platinum FOX”