Some Like It NOT Dress on display in London

Our Esteemed Club President Greg Schreiner has asked if members would be willing to contact the Victoria & Albert Museum (more commonly known as the V&A) in London to express your concerns over their current “DIVA” Exhibition.

The Museum is displaying a dress that they believe to have been worn by Marilyn in the 1959 comedy “Some Like It Hot,” but as you can clearly see by the photos taken by Lorraine Nicol having just visited the exhibition and the great side by side comparison photos by April VeVea this is NOT the case. This dress is inathentic and WASN’T worn by Marilyn on screen.

The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is the world’s largest museum of applied arts, decorative arts and design, housing a permanent collection of over 2.27 million objects. It was founded in 1852 and named after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.. so displaying a fake dress such as this is damaging to their reputation.

Not only that, but the DIVA Exhibition is to run in London until next April (and Greg has since informed us that the Dress will potentially be touring for a futher 4 years after this) so just think about the thousands of Marilyn fans who will see this dress and not even realise it’s not the real deal.

We have already been in contact with the V and A to express our concerns, but sadly have had no official response as to what they intend to do.

We are inviting you to share your concerns over the authenticity of the dress by contacting the V&A directly (please keep any communication respectful, it is believed the Museum acquired the Dress under good faith that it was the original.)

You can use this e-mail address here: [email protected]

Or contact them on their Social Media Channels:




Let’s see if we can do Justice for Some Like It Hot and Marilyn!

Thank you.